Why Your Cloud Adoption Plan Should Include Colocation

Why Your Cloud Adoption Plan Should Include Colocation

April 25

Many organizations have adopted a hybrid cloud approach to realize the benefits of public cloud and colocation. 

Colocation is crucial to your organization’s cloud adoption plan, as it may be the environment where some of your applications thrive. In addition, colocation provides a number of benefits. As it was stated in 451 Research’s Voice of the Enterprise: Datacenters 2019 Survey, “The reality is that data center customers are still looking to colocation providers for what they always have: disaster recovery and improved uptime and reliability.” 

Below, we’ll discuss these benefits (and more) of colocation and discuss how an application-first approach can improve your organization’s data strategy: 

What Does It Mean To Use an Application-First Approach?

While the cloud is a perfect fit for some applications, other workloads have different requirements and need to be deployed in another environment, such as colocation. Taking an application-first approach to data infrastructure can help ensure workload delivery is optimized from a cost, performance, and security POV. 

What Are the Benefits of Colocation? 

Colocation services have the ability to help today’s organizations achieve and maintain the highest levels of application performance. It serves as an effective option for a number of applications and industries, as it can provide reliability, security, and affordability while taking advantage of existing in-house talent and infrastructure investments.

Here are five of the most common benefits of colocation:

1. Infrastructure Reliability

Colocation data centers are experts in space, power, cooling, connectivity, security, and keeping the data center running through any challenge.

2. Security and Compliance

While cloud security can be more nebulous, with colocation, there are a number of physical security measures put in place to keep your information protected. 

Some examples of these security measures include: 

  • Building entry and exit checkpoints.
  • Security within certain parts of the building.
  • Authentication requirements to access cages, cabinets, and other equipment.

Due to colocation’s ability to assure physical security, it can be more effective for security and compliance requirements, making it an effective solution for leaders in technology, healthcare, media, and more. 

In addition, a number of compliance measures are taken to ensure multi-industry compliance is met, including SOC 1, SOC 2, HIPAA, HITRUST, and PCI

3. Affordability

By shifting CapEx to OpEx with colocation, your organization can consistently and substantially save. This switch allows you to save on physical infrastructure, repairs, updates, and more. 

In addition, colocation allows you to scale as necessary. Rather than having on-premise infrastructure that goes unused, you can work with your colocation provider to ensure you are at scale all year round. 

4. Sustainability

Many data centers are focused on improving sustainability efforts, and Evoque is no exception. 

Evoque has recently implemented AI technology to help improve efficiency and, therefore, decrease environmental impact through features, including:

  • Monitoring. 
  • Dynamic control.
  • Prescriptive analytics. 
  • Alarms and notifications.

With growing digital demands, it’s more important than ever to focus on protecting the environment and reducing the carbon footprint of our data centers.

5. Connectivity

Data centers focus on interconnectivity — particularly now in a world full of remote organizations. Many opt for colocation to ensure low-latency interconnections for their teams so they have access to the data and workloads they need. In addition, many applications simply run most effectively in a colocation environment, making it the best choice for efficiency, connectivity, and more. 

How Does Colocation Factor Into a Multi-Generational Infrastructure Strategy?

Colocation is a crucial part of any organization’s data strategy, which is why it’s always available in a Multi-Generational Infrastructure™ (MGI) strategy. 

MGI is a new, application-first approach to application delivery that helps protect and optimize workload deployments today and provides flexibility and scalability for future infrastructure needs. 

Download the overview brief to learn more about MGI today!


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