Actual Cumulus Clouds Used for Cloud Computing

Actual Cumulus Clouds Used for Cloud Computing

April 01

We’ve heard of serverless compute, but about hardwareless compute? Recent advances in micro nanochip technology have made science fiction into science fact. Thanks to a breakthrough at the University of Helsinki announced today, April 1, 2023, a packet of data has been securely transmitted to a vapor-based cloud and retransmitted to a device 5,832 miles away.

 Using nano-minerals found within cumulus water vapor to store, reflect, and transmit data securely via light waves to the 5g network band has validated thirty years of research by Dr. Jan Madup.

 “Imprinting data on nanoparticles has been our white whale, and we just caught it”, shares Madup. “Think of sub-stratospheric liquid in the air as an infinitely tiny piece of silicone and you have vaporage, vapor storage.”

 Rolling out the technology in wet climates like Scotland will keep R & D on track and blue skies at bay.  Multiple industries and public cloud platforms are bullish about molecular nano particle storage. Stay tuned for more on this developing story… And have a happy April Fools Day!


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