Employee Spotlight – Sara Tumbarella, Senior Cloud Security Engineer, Foghorn

Employee Spotlight – Sara Tumbarella, Senior Cloud Security Engineer, Foghorn

April 27

Sara is a Senior Cloud Security Engineer at Foghorn and an all-around rockstar. In her nearly 3 years of employment at Foghorn Consulting, she has been an indispensable addition to FogOps teams. You may have even attended one of her virtual security workshops!

Like many in the industry, Sara didn’t grow up telling her parents she wanted to be a cloud engineer. After high school, Sara spent 4 years in the U.S. Army as an Administrative Specialist, received an undergraduate degree in Psychology, and obtained a few entry-level jobs where she was consistently drawn to the tech aspect of each.  It was this desire that led her to the University of Denver where she earned a Master’s in Information and Communications (with a focus in security) and began her career path in the Cloud Security space. 

Post-graduate, she was fortunate enough to get hired with Trustwave. The hiring manager took a gamble on Sara since she had no practical experience in the security industry and she will always be very thankful for the opportunity.  From there, she has continued to build her skills, knowledge and certification repertoire. Before landing at Foghorn, Sara was the Information Security Manager at SRS Acquiom, based in Denver, and has since been awarded the following certifications: CISSP and AWS-Security Specialty. All her previous work experience, as well as her education, has lit the perfect path straight to us. 

When we asked the cloud security buff to admit her favorite thing about working for Foghorn, she replied,

“There is one thing that I absolutely love most about Foghorn, and it is really quite simple. We are all adults, and that’s how we are treated. There are high expectations to deliver quality products to our clients, on-time and on budget. As long as you do this, you have all the flexibility in the world.”

Besides her admiration for the culture at Foghorn, there is one thing that will always motivate her work: the clients. Every client has a unique story and unique challenges. Every project is a learning experience and the chance to deliver something no one else can! There are days where Sara is laser-focused on one major project, and there are weeks that go by where she has multiple clients simultaneously. Every day is the chance to help another client achieve peace of mind that their cloud infrastructure is designed and maintained using security best practices. 

We are so grateful to Sara for everything she brings to the team here at Foghorn, as well as our valued clients. We hope all our readers get the chance to work with Sara at some point in their cloud journey. 

If you are looking to maximize your cloud security and work with one of our techs like Sara, send us a message!

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