The Importance of Virtual Data Center Tours

The Importance of Virtual Data Center Tours

June 17

By now it’s cliché to say that we’re in unprecedented times and COVID-19 is forcing a “new normal.” But the fact remains that it’s true, and companies across the globe are adjusting the way they conduct business. “Adjusting” is the key word there, because business and critical projects can’t just stop. 

For many organizations looking to begin or expand a colocation engagement, the project was put on temporary hold. Visiting a data center, meeting the staff, experiencing the security, seeing the infrastructure, and understanding where your cage and cabinets live on the data center floor are an engrained part of the colocation process. As companies paused travel and colocation providers limited on-site access, this crucial step took a hit. The new normal for the foreseeable future still advocates for limiting travel and practicing social distancing, making in-person colocation data center visits difficult, especially if the location you’re considering is a plane ride away or your city is still on semi-strict lockdown.  

Enter the virtual data center tour. 

Some colocation providers have been offering “virtual tours” for a while, but they typically mean a pre-recorded video walk through of the data center. It’s not personal, you can’t ask questions, you won’t see your specific space — it’s not a tour in the sense that you’re used to taking in-person and it might not satisfy your needs.  

Evoque is changing virtual tours. Our goal is to offer a virtual tour that actually fits your needs in our “new normal” world.  

Evoque Virtual Data Center Tours 

When we talk about a virtual tour at Evoque, we mean that you’ll get the same experience as you would if you were on site, only now it’s via video call. We’ve equipped all our domestic data center managers with AV solutions to ensure you have a steady live video with clear audio. When you’re taking your live tour, you can talk to the data center manager and your Evoque rep to ask questions, revisit certain areas of the data center, and see your exact space.  



Your IT infrastructure and data management projects can’t be put on hold indefinitely (especially if you’ve you seen a spike in data usage or need to support on-going work from home deployments). But you shouldn’t have to compromise on finding the right colocation provider either. Our virtual tours offer a way to conduct business as usual (with a twist) so you can keep moving forward and stay on track. 

Schedule your live, personal virtual tour of an Evoque data center 


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