Is a multicloud strategy the right choice for your business?

Is a multicloud strategy the right choice for your business?

March 25

As with any technology, cloud solutions have evolved and expanded over the past decade to meet different use cases and needs. Now, organizations can create multicloud strategies that fit your individual business needs and workloads. This flexibility is increasingly important as your customers and staff become more geographically dispersed, creating growing challenges for security, data delivery, and business continuity.

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In this article and video, Joe Sacchetti from Zadara addresses key considerations for multicloud strategies.

Types of Cloud Solutions

There are many options for organizations looking to move workloads “to the cloud.” While the technology may be fundamentally the same, there are distinct differences between the types of cloud solutions available today. It’s important to select the right approach for each workload based on business need and appetite for risk and control.

Public Cloud 

Available to anyone via the public internet, the physical hardware behind this solution is hosted and maintained by various third party providers (often tech giants) and all public cloud users use the same servers, storage, etc. Public cloud solutions are secure, affordable, easily scalable and reliable, but offer little customization. Some of the most well-known public cloud solutions include AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

Private Cloud

In a private cloud solution, the infrastructure and the network are dedicated to a single organization (as opposed to public shared cloud solutions). This offers more control over your environment and is often preferred by highly secure or high compliance industries. Private cloud infrastructure can be built in-house in an on premise data center or purchased as a solution that is hosted by a private cloud service provider.

On Premise as a Service (OPaaS)

A hybrid on premise/cloud solution, On Premise as a Service (OPaaS), brings a custom cloud solution to you. All the infrastructure is brought to your location but maintained by a service provider. This differs from private cloud in that the infrastructure is always located on premise but maintained by a third party. With private cloud, if it’s on premise, your organization is often the one building and maintaining the solution.

Why Choose a Multicloud Strategy

With more than one approach to cloud solutions now available, organizations can spread workloads across cloud solutions based on the best fit for each particular need. Companies can save and use data in different clouds, creating a multicloud strategy.

For instance, some companies may use affordable but less customizable public cloud solutions for things like archiving data. However, they may embrace private cloud or OPaaS solutions as a way to shift from CAPEX to OPEX spending for critical tasks over which they want to maintain more control.

Disaster recovery and business continuity are other popular uses for multicloud strategies. Private clouds and on premise solutions can be backed up to public cloud options for disaster recovery purposes. Some organizations may even use more than one public cloud to ensure business isn’t interrupted in the case of an outage. 

A multicloud strategy gives organizations more control over their workloads, backups and budgets, creating a more customizable approach to data management and delivery.

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