Understanding the Business Benefits of the Hybrid Cloud

Understanding the Business Benefits of the Hybrid Cloud

March 28

There are many reasons why organizations decide on a hybrid cloud architecture. Choosing the right infrastructure can make a significant, positive impact throughout the entire business. 

Whether you are looking to keep your cloud costs in check or are focused on scalability for an uncertain future, there are a number of hybrid cloud benefits to consider. 

In this blog, we’ll discuss the business benefits of the hybrid cloud and how it can make a positive impact on your organization. 

What Benefits Can Your Organization See From the Hybrid Cloud?

Each organization’s use-case is different, which means the benefits may be as well. However, these are five common benefits of a hybrid cloud approach. 

1. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Depending on your application’s tolerance for downtime the cloud and colocation can be great geo diverse, active/ active failover to maintain uptime in the face of disaster. 

2. Reduced Cost

If you’re moving from a solely on-premise solution to colocation and moving from an OpEx to a CapEx.  By moving away from having full responsibility for your data environment you will be able to focus on your core differentiator and leave the facilities’ concerns to the experts.

In addition, when improvements need to be made, your organization isn’t responsible for those updates. For example, Evoque recently employed AI to help improve their data centers, which benefits the organizations that store data there — all without sacrificing their own time, labor, or other resources. 

There are also strategies to make sure your organization is effectively spending on its cloud strategy. Through monitoring, automation, and more, you can create a long-term strategy to make sure your cloud costs are always in check. 

3. Reliability

While your data is managed in the same place, it is spread across environments to provide reliability. 

One of the key factors of data centers is redundancy, which determines how much backup power is available. For example, a 2N+1 system ensures that a data center will be able to keep its infrastructure up and running under almost any circumstances. As a previous blog explained, if service at a 2N+1 data center is knocked out, then a system outage is probably the least of anyone’s problems. 

Through redundancy and similar backup processes, you can be assured that your information is always available. 

4. Remote Workforce

While many organizations are shifting to a remote workforce, you may wonder how utilizing the hybrid cloud will impact your team. 

There are a number of ways the hybrid cloud can improve your remote workforce, including: 

  • Low latency.
  • Robust connectivity options.
  • Improved remote security, including through multi-factor authentication and encryption. 

The hybrid cloud provides accessibility and application performance that allows teams to stay connected no matter where they are working. 

5. Scalability

When your environment needs change, the hybrid cloud can help you scale your workload into where it fits best. 

For example, a large influx of data may unexpectedly come through, causing you to need a more extensive infrastructure temporarily. While this can be handled in several ways, the hybrid cloud can provide you with temporary options that allow you to scale back if needed. 

Your applications will also evolve, which may change the infrastructure they work best on. If this happens, an application-first approach may allow you to reduce costs and focus on application agility. 

How Can a Hybrid Cloud Environment Improve Your Business? 

By finding the right cloud approach for your organization, you can create a data approach that focuses on application agility, a seamless experience for end-users, and more to benefit your business. 

Are you ready to connect your organization to the hybrid cloud? Contact us today to find out how we can help your organization build the blueprint for its ideal data solution.


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