Evoque Colocation Data Center Spotlight: Dallas

Evoque Colocation Data Center Spotlight: Dallas

May 27

Location is a critically important consideration when organizations go about building an IT environment capable of carrying their business into the future. For many years, limited connectivity options forced companies to confine their deployments to data centers located in infrastructure-heavy areas along the eastern seaboard or in the thriving technology hubs of California. Thanks to the steady expansion of high-speed internet service and innovations like edge computing architecture, today’s organizations have more options available to them when building their data center location strategy.

Key Considerations for Your Data Center Site Selection

When evaluating where to locate IT equipment responsible for hosting workloads, vital data, digital media, and applications, there are several factors that need to be considered. Even in cases where a company decides to migrate entirely to the cloud and do away with their physical assets (a strategy that sometimes comes with diminishing returns), it’s still important to think about where the cloud provider’s infrastructure is located and what impact that might have on IT performance.

Location Consideration 1: Proximity to End Users

For all the groundbreaking innovations in fiber optic cabling, the very best connections are still bound by the laws of physics. Even under the most favorable conditions, data packets traveling over an internet connection cannot exceed the speed of light. Although these connections can reach incredibly high speeds, they still suffer the effects of latency over long distances. Unfortunately, today’s customers have come to expect high speeds from all network services and are quick to seek alternatives when forced to wait. Placing IT assets in a data center location capable of supporting an edge computing network that reduces the distance data has to travel can improve response times and create a superior customer experience.

Location Consideration 2: Power Grid Flexibility

Even a small, regional data center requires a lot of power to support the servers and equipment within their secure walls. Despite having multiple redundancies in place, they must still depend upon the local energy grid to support everyday operations. An unreliable or outdated electrical infrastructure can wreak havoc on a data center, forcing it to resort to backup power or even suffer extended periods of downtime. Placing assets within a facility that’s connected to a state-of-the-art grid that combines conventional power with renewable energy sources helps to ensure that key applications and data will be available at all times. This flexibility also frequently translates into much lower power costs as the abundance of energy keeps rates more competitive, a key consideration given the substantial spike in power costs throughout 2021 and 2022.

Location Consideration 3: Connectivity Options

Today’s organizations thrive in connectivity-rich environments that allow them to deliver a variety of services and manage data more effectively than isolated legacy systems. Direct cloud on-ramps make it easy to build hybrid cloud networks that combine the best features of expansive cloud services and private servers. Carrier-neutral data centers also allow customers to choose from multiple ISPs to limit the risk of vendor lock-in, create more competitive pricing, and facilitate blended connections that reduce cybersecurity and downtime risks. Choosing a colocation site that offers rich connectivity options provides maximum flexibility when it comes to future growth and responding to changing business circumstances.

Why Store Your Business Data in Dallas, Texas?

As the fastest-growing metro area in the country, the Dallas-Fort Worth area provides a lot of incentives for businesses looking for a place to colocate their IT assets. With a population of nearly 6.5 million, the region offers a tremendous market potential for organizations launching new application services. The Dallas metro is a thriving corporate center, with Fortune 500 companies like AT&T, Texas Instruments, and Southwest Airlines making their home in the city. 

Long touted for having a cost of doing business that’s well below the national average, Dallas has also proved to be quite resilient in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic by bouncing back much faster than comparable cities. The state also famously offers a tax-friendly environment for businesses, including a significant sales tax exemption for qualified data center locations.

Texas has historically had some of the lowest energy costs in the country. In 2021, the state led the nation by installing 7,352 megawatts of renewable energy, including new wind and solar power generation. Texas even offers several financial incentives to promote renewable energy usage, more than any state other than California. 

In terms of connectivity, Dallas is one of the nation’s most attractive connectivity markets due to its central location. The city is home of one of the nation’s top peering points, allowing organizations to obtain better connections and choose from a variety of service providers.

Meet Evoque Dallas/Webb Chapel

As one of Evoque’s two Dallas-area colocation facilities, Dallas/Webb Chapel offers a connectivity rich environment with direct cloud access to leading providers, low-latency ISP options, and on-site conference space to meet a wide range of business needs. Located just 15 minutes from the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, the facility allows organizations to future-proof their IT environment while still retaining the freedom to expand in the future.

Dallas/Webb Chapel Data Center Features

  • 127,000 sq. ft. data center; 77,124 sq. ft. of raised floor
  • Standard cabinet: 45U 42" deep 4 & 6 kW
  • Standard cage capacity: Up to 300 W/sq. ft.
  • Higher densities with build-to-suit
  • Cloud-enabled with Evoque Connectivity Suite and Megaport
  • 100% SLA on power, network and bandwidth
  • N+1 UPS, standby power, VAC distribution, & chiller redundancies
  • 24x7 onsite staffing
  • PCI-DSS, ISO 27001, SOC 1 Type I, SOC 2 Type I & II, SOC 3, ISAE 3402, CDCMP, NIST-800, & HIPAA compliant

Learn more about Evoque Dallas/Webb Chapel.

Meet Evoque Allen

The second of Evoque’s Dallas-area colocation data centers, the Allen facility is located just 20 miles north of downtown Dallas and provides easy access to both the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport and Dallas Love Field Airport. In addition to low-latency connectivity and high-speed ISP access, this state-of-the-art data center delivers all the resilience and physical security customers expect from a modern colocation provider.

Allen Data Center Features

  • 115,633 sq. ft. data center; 77,124 sq. ft. of raised floor
  • Standard cabinet: 45U 42" deep 4 & 6 kW
  • Standard cage capacity: up to 300 W/sq. ft.
  • Higher densities with build to suit
  • Cloud-enabled with Evoque Connectivity Suite and Megaport
  • 100% SLA on power, network and bandwidth
  • N+1 UPS, standby power, VAC distribution, & chiller redundancies
  • 24x7 onsite staffing
  • PCI-DSS, ISO 27001, SOC 1 Type I, SOC 2 Type I & II, SOC 3, ISAE 3402, CDCMP, NIST-800, & HIPAA compliant

Learn more about Evoque Allen.

How Evoque’s Dallas Data Center Features Can Benefit Your Business

Optimized to meet the operation demands of today’s digital-first companies, Evoque’s Dallas data center locations provide the connectivity options and reliability you need to undertake your digital transformation. Whether you need to implement a hybrid or multi-cloud deployment or adopt an edge computing strategy to reach a wider customer base, our Dallas colocation facilities deliver low latency performance combined with cost savings and high levels of connectivity.

The team at Evoque is backed up by a proven track record of customer satisfaction and uptime reliability. Our enduring dedication to putting the needs of your applications first can help your organization reach its full technology potential in the State of Texas and beyond. To schedule your tour of our Dallas data centers, talk to one of our colocation experts today.


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