Hybrid Cloud Terms To Know

Hybrid Cloud Terms To Know

November 03

For veterans of the data center world, it’s easy to presume the vernacular of our industry is understood by the rest of our organization — but that’s not always the case. 

From CapEx to virtual machines, we’ve explained some common terms used in the world of the hybrid cloud: 


Capital expense, also known as CapEx, is the money an organization spends on purchasing, maintaining, or upgrading its assets, such as property, tools, equipment, and similar items. In short, these are significant, long-term expenses. 

In the context of the hybrid cloud, a CapEx approach to data center infrastructure is when an organization is responsible for everything from data center design to obtaining real estate and equipment to maintaining and operating the infrastructure full time, which can all be costly and labor intensive. 


Sometimes referred to as “colo,” colocation is a multi-tenant data center in a physical location that offers space, power, cooling, security, connectivity, on-site expert technicians, and more to help organizations achieve and maintain the highest levels of application performance. 


Containers are lightweight infrastructure components that easily enable deployment of applications by decoupling infrastructure dependencies from the application. They enable a microservice application architecture and can load substantially faster to improve the user experience on any infrastructure. 

Connectivity Suite

The Connectivity Suite is designed to provide immediate, reliable internet access and cost-effective, resilient connectivity, without the hassle of negotiating with multiple carriers or dedicating internal resources to install and manage routers. This service features a number of options to best connect organizations, whether they’re regionally or globally separated. 

Data latency

Data latency is the time it takes for data to be transmitted from its source to its end destination. Low-latency connections are critical as consumers demand almost instantaneous data delivery. 

Data center strategy

A data center strategy is the plan an organization has in place to manage their data. This can include cloud solutions, colocation, and on-premise, or hybrid. 

Disaster recovery

Disaster recovery is the plan an organization has in place to recover data, protect infrastructure, and otherwise maintain the business in the case of a disaster, whether natural or human-caused. It is one of the reasons companies continue to move from private data centers and cloud solutions to colocation. 

Edge computing

Edge computing is when computing is done at or near the data source to reduce latency and increase bandwidth. 


IoT — also known as the Internet of Things — is all around us. It refers to the seemingly countless objects around us with the ability to connect to the internet as well as collect and share data, from your mobile phone to your smartwatch to your car.

Infrastructure Agnostic

Infrastructure Agnosticism is a philosophy, held by Evoque and Foghorn, that states attempting to shoehorn an application onto an infrastructure not appropriate for it is counterproductive. What matters is focusing on the performance, user experiences, flexibility, security, and scalability requirements, as well as the predictable economics that must be served. 


Interconnectivity refers to the ability to securely move and exchange data through options such as internet connectivity, secure point-to-point connections, cloud connectivity, cross connects, and more. 


Kubernetes — also known as K8s — is a container orchestration system. K8s abstract the application from the infrastructure making them lightweight and portable. Auto scaling and auto healing using this open-source solution has unleashed new application agility. 

Multi-cloud strategy

A multi-cloud strategy involves saving and using data in different clouds, such as private and public clouds. A multicloud strategy gives organizations more control over their workloads, backups, and budgets, creating a more customizable approach to data management and delivery.


Multi-Generational Infrastructure™ — also known as MGI™ — allows organizations to optimize their workload deployment across the widest range of options,  including on-premises, colocation, and edge data centers, as well as cloud and multi-cloud hybrid configurations. Evoque’s SpendAgility capability allows users to shift applications and IT spend from the cloud and to the cloud during their colocation contract.


Operational expense, or OpEx, is the counterpart to CapEx. These expenses are the day-to-day operational costs associated with a product, business, or system. 

Within the hybrid cloud, an OpEx data center strategy refers to a company outsourcing their data center infrastructure and management to drastically reduce the time, resources, and requirements associated with the data center. 

Private cloud

Private cloud solutions feature an infrastructure and network that are dedicated to a single organization, providing more control over the environment, which is often preferred by high compliance industries. 

Public cloud

Public cloud solutions are available to anyone via the public internet. These options are secure, affordable, easily scalable, and reliable, however they offer little customization. 

Remote Hands 

Remote Hands is a service offered by many colocation solution providers in which on-site personnel are deployed to complete tasks, address potential issues, respond to tickets, and more, allowing organizations to save time and money. 

Virtual machines

A virtual machines, or VM, is a codified virtual computer that features its own virtual hardware, operating system, and networking.

Ready To Learn More? 

The Evoque advantage means creating a seamless combination of colocation, interconnection, and cloud expertise to reduce costs and liberate workloads for your business. 

Learn how Evoque is helping application and infrastructure innovators move their organizations forward — and how we can do the same for you. 



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