Enable Business Resiliency With a Multi-Cloud Approach

Enable Business Resiliency With a Multi-Cloud Approach

August 29

In today’ businesses climate, enterprises are doing everything they can to survive. The pandemic and other global pressures have forced businesses across all industries to reevaluate their operations in order to stay competitive, even during the most difficult times. 

One way to prepare your business for anything is to create and implement a business resiliency plan. Below, we’ll discuss business resilience, how it differs from your recovery plans, and how your business can create a resilience plan that prepares you for the unexpected. 


What Is Business Resilience?

Business resilience is a long-term, focused strategy that allows your organization to continue its operations during difficult times, including pandemics, natural disasters, data breaches, and more. 

As we’ve seen with the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations are unprepared for ongoing complications. However, having a plan in place can help your business stay successful during the next unexpected twist in the plot. 

A resilience strategy should be a holistic one, that helps your organization improve day by day to prepare for unexpected events. As TechTarget explains, “Business resilience includes various elements of overall resilience, such as organizational resilience, operational resilience, cyber resilience and supply chain resilience.” 


Business Resiliency vs. Business Continuity vs. Disaster Recovery

There are several terms in the cloud space that, in general, are important for helping your business operate during or recover from difficult situations. However, each definition has critical distinctions that can help your business operate more effectively. 

What Is Business Continuity?

Business continuity is the function of your business following a human-made disaster, data breach, natural disaster, or other catastrophic event. In order to protect your business from these events, it’s important to have a business continuity plan in place. 

How Does Business Continuity Relate to Business Resiliency? 

Business continuity ensures that your organization can continue providing critical services and products during catastrophic events, such as those listed above. Since business continuity is part of your overall business plan in unexpected situations, your business continuity plan should be part of your business resiliency plan. 

What Is Disaster Recovery?

Disaster recovery is the plan an organization has to recover data, protect infrastructure, and otherwise maintain the business in the case of a natural or human-caused disaster. 

How Does Disaster Recovery Relate to Business Resiliency? 

Disaster recovery is a crucial aspect of both business continuity and business resiliency. Disaster recovery is the plan to reclaim your business’s information if lost due to extreme circumstances and get your business back online if operations were halted. 

Your business continuity and resiliency plans are in place to help your business avoid needing to use your disaster recovery plan. Even though it’s a plan your organization never wants to use, it needs to be in place, as it helps protect your business in extreme situations. 

While each area is related, it’s crucial to have all three in place for the most efficient continuous operations.


Considerations for Creating a Business Resiliency Plan

Several steps go into creating a business resiliency plan, including: 

Understand and Update Your Business’s Current Resiliency Plan

You’ll want to ask questions such as: 

  • How prepared has our organization been for previous incidents, including the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters, security breaches, and technological disruptions? 
  • How have those same events impacted our business? What can we do differently in the future to prepare for the unexpected and prevent some negative impacts? 
  • What plans do we currently have in place? How can we improve those plans? 
  • Does each aspect of the resiliency plan have a role or position at the organization assigned to manage it? 
  • What financial needs do we need to consider? How have previous crises impacted our organization’s finances? 

The answers to these questions can help you and your team understand the current state of your organization’s resiliency plan, how you can improve it, and show how your organization can prepare for the future. 

Evaluate & Optimize Your Cloud Solution 

With businesses taking on different data security strategies, you may be wondering if  a multi-cloud solution can improve your business resiliency plan. 

A multi-cloud strategy involves delivering workloads from separate cloud ecosystems and synchronizing their dependance or independence. This can be any combination of private and public clouds from AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure. Many organizations find an optimized multi-cloud strategy effective, as it allows for: 

  • More control over your workloads, backups, budgets, applications, and more. 
  • A customizable approach to data management and delivery. 

Your organization can receive many business benefits, improved processes, and gain clear insight into your data with an optimized data strategy. 


Find the Right Cloud and Colocation Solutions for Your Business

As organizations continue to adopt and optimize their cloud solutions, it’s crucial to find a solution tailored to your specific needs and goals. By enabling a solution that works the best for your organization, you’re already one step ahead of the competition.

Many businesses, however, don’t have the time or resources to create this plan on their own, which is why they bring in the expertise of Cloud Engineering professionals. 

By working with the right experts, your team realize unique application agility and build workload designs that maximize existing data center expertise and investments while taking advantage of the numerous benefits of the cloud. Discover Evoque’s multicloud, cloud and hybrid solutions to find the right cloud and colocation infrastructure to help your enterprise evolve and realize resiliency through any challenge.

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